I'm going to have to use Adobe Firefly!! didnt even know it existed. A master class as always Pengi. Thank you. 'you've done it again' ! (taught me something new)
I’m liking this series more and more with every post. I know there are all these new tools out there but it’s really useful to get a useful lowdown on them (and it makes for fun reading too!!) Good stuff 👏🏼🔥
I'm going to have to use Adobe Firefly!! didnt even know it existed. A master class as always Pengi. Thank you. 'you've done it again' ! (taught me something new)
Keep up the great work.
I’m liking this series more and more with every post. I know there are all these new tools out there but it’s really useful to get a useful lowdown on them (and it makes for fun reading too!!) Good stuff 👏🏼🔥